A Tradeshow Booth Just doesn't happen.

From the day the client sits down with their Exhibit House to discuss the concept a lot has to happen. The concept can be just an idea, a simple sketch or a fully flushed out design created by your marketing department. From the clients concept stage to a rendering to reality the tradeshow booth will go through adjustments, but it will get built. Once built it has to get shipped to the tradeshow.

But wait, prior to the shipping our client appoints their Exhibit House their EAC. The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor will fill out forms, make arrangement for any rentals at the show site, arrange electricity, ensure I&D is planned and a host of other items as well.
After the show your EAC will audit bills and ensure accuracy from the vendors at the show site. (Well as an EAC that is what Exhibit Associates does for its clients.)

Once the crates are shipped then the wait begins: How soon can we be there to start setup. We like to go as soon as we know the crates will be there. Of course one thing that has to happen prior to the padding and carpet is laid down is that the electricity is the correct spots. Nothing like "fishing" cords under the carpet to make adjustments!
Once that occurs it is Game Time. The clock is running to get that tradeshow booth set up. Plex, Fabric, A/V Components, AGAM and a host of other materials come into play. As a Set Up Crew we need to know what HDMI and SEG are, and the difference between metric and SAE allen wrenches. Of course your "Set Ups" should be clear and understandable. (If we do them, they are.)

So the Set Up is almost done, time to trouble shoot. Are all the lights lighting up? Are the play backs working for the A/V? Are the touchscreens working? Are their any adjustments that need to be made due to unexpected conditions at the tradeshow?

What if the space next to you is open and they turn it into a "rest area"? Do you adjust the booth at all to take advantage of that fact? Exhibit Associates has turned a tradeshow booth 90 degrees due to unknown tradeshow conditions. Of course with the client's permission. But as a good Exhibit House one has to be flexible, and be able to respond on a dime!
Yes - respond on a dime, not react. "We've seen a thing or two" is how the insurance commercial goes, and an experienced Exhibit House has also.
So the tradeshow booth is ready, Show Time!
Now it's time start thinking about breaking it down, and getting it back to the Exhibit House!