Saturday, March 13, 2021

Almost a Day Like Every Other!

 A New Day

It gets over used.  A New Beginning.  "Company 2.0". Re-launch.   

March 12, 2021 was truly one of those days.  

The pandemic, shut downs, family tragedies.   Who has not been impacted?   Restaurants changed. Family Zoom Parties happened.  2020 will be a year no one will forget and the stories of it will "grow" as time goes by.

Sadness comes to mind.   But we have as a country, as a nation and a family we need to move forward.  And at Exhibit Associates one of those days moving forward was yesterday.   March 12, 2021.

You see after shut downs, mask mandates and the complete shut down of our industry.  100% shut down, door shut, events cancelled and no tradeshows what so ever.  But on Friday the light came on.   That light at the end of the tunnel came on.

We shipped crates.

Crates for a tradeshow.

Crates for an event.

Nothing "Amazing."   Nothing "Miraculous." 

Just crates headed to a show.

Just a new beginning.

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